The Magic Pride festival will be at Warner Park this year from 1 to 6 pm. We are so excited to see you there! Here is some info about accessibility for the event.
• ASL Interpreter for the Stage Show.
• Outreach staff will be in black shirts with golf carts if you need help getting across the park. Talk to a volunteer or the Outreach table if you need a ride.
• Paved paths that are wheel chair accessible. Vendors will be able to be accessed by the path.
• Free ear plugs at the Outreach table for those who get overstimulated easily.
• ADA compliant Porta-Potties will be located across the park for those who need more space.
• Masks are available at the Outreach table for free if you would like one.
For parking we ask that those who can walk farther to park further away to allow those with mobility needs to have closer parking.
If you have any concerns or suggestions for next year please reach out to Mack at
Accessibility Map